Главные вкладки
В.А. Дубровский
103. 2010a, “Multi-hulls: new options and scientific developments”, Ship & Offshore Structures, vol. 5, issue 1, pp.81-92
104. 2010b, “Multi-Hulls: Some new Options as the Result of Science Development”, Brodogradnja, vol.61, # 2, pp.142-152
105. 2010c, “I ask for more precision”, journal “Oboronny zakaz”, www.ozakaz.ru, 12.10.2010
( Прошу уточнить ) 106. 2010d, “Some lessons of a design”, Ships & Offshore structures”, vol. 5, issue 4, pp371-371
107. 2013a “Multi-hull ships: practical applications and possible developments”, Proceedings of the seminar “Fast ship development”, exhibition ‘Neva-2013”, September («Многокорпусные суда: практическое применение и возможности совершенствования)
108. 2013b “Minimal-Sized Ships with Small Water-Plane Area”, Journal of ocean, mechanical & aerospace science & engineering, December, vol. 2, pp.1-5103. 2010a, “Multi-hulls: new options and scientific developments”, Ship & Offshore Structures, vol. 5, issue 1, pp.81-92
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