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А.П. Расницын
Rasnitsyn A.P., Brothers, D.J. 2009. New genera and species of Maimetshidae (Hymenoptera: Stephanoidea s.l.) from the Turonian of Botswana, with comments on the status of the family. African Invertebrates 50 (1): 191-204.
Dlussky G.M., Rasnitsyn A.P. 2009. Ants (Insecta: Vespida: Formicidae) in the Upper Eocene Amber of Central and Eastern Europe. Paleontological Journal. 43: 1024–1042.
Ren Dong, Labandeira, C.C., Santiago-Blay, J.A., Rasnitsyn, A., Shih ChungKun, Bashkuev, A., Logan, M.A.V., Hotton, C.L., Dilcher, D.A 2009. Probable pollination mode before angiosperms: Eurasian, long-proboscid scorpionflies. Science 326: 840-847.
Rasnitsyn A.P., Zhang Haichun. 2010. Early evolution of Apocrita (Insecta, Hymenoptera) as indicated by new findings in the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, NE China. Acta Geologica Sinica 84: 834-873.
Расницын А.П. 2010. Молекулярная филогенетика, морфологическая кладистика и ископаемые. Энтомол. обозр. 89 (1): 85-132.
палеонтология, систематика и эволюция насекомых, теория эволюции, методология систематики и филогенетики