
XXXXIV Зимняя школа ИТЭФ (XIX Московская школа физики)

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ITEP Winter School of Physics has a long tradition starting from the year 1973. The School usually attracts many participants from leading research centers and universities. High level of sessions is ensured by invitation of eminent lecturers well known in the international scientific community for their research activity. School program is aimed at advanced undergraduate and graduate students and post docs who work or plan to work in theoretical or experimental particle physics. Short selected reports by the School participants are planed as well.

Since 1994 the ITEP Winter School of Physics became international. Having regard to the importance of the School, Moscow Government Premier has given the ITEP Winter School of Physics a status of the Moscow School. Moscow Government became a General Sponsor of the Moscow School of Physics since 1998. Since 2014 the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI plays a key role in the organization of the School.

The School working language is English.

It is planned to have two or three lectures in each half day session. For those participants who wish to present their scientific results, time will be given to make short (about 10-15 min.) reports and best of them will be awarded diploma. Number of short reports is limited and selection will be made by the Organizing Committee. All lectures and
selected reports will be published in the Proceedings of the 19th International Moscow School of Physics in a peer-reviewed journal. Mid-day hours will be free for rest, cross country skiing and other sports.

This year the School will be accompanied by a satellite School of Heavy Hadrons and QCD (February, 22-23) which takes place in the same hotel. Participants of the 19th International Moscow School of Physics will be automatically registered for the School of Heavy Hadrons and QCD as well.

The School fee amounts to 300 Euro. The sum covers all living expenses during the School, transportation, and excursion. Grants received by the Organizing Committee allow to reduce the fee to 5000 rubles for participants from Russia and FSU countries. There are some limited extra funds to support young participants from Russia and FSU. To apply for the support please contact Organizing Committee. The School fee is waived for participants from the School organizers: NRNU MEPhI and ITEP.

The number of participants will be limited to 90. To ensure consideration of your application, please fill in the on-line
registration form not later than December 10, 2015. The on-line registration form is available at the web page of the School.

School site and date

19th International Moscow School of Physics (44th ITEP Winter School of Physics) is scheduled for February 16-22, 2016 and will be held in a hotel situated at a picturesque cite near Moscow (the particular place will be specified later). It will be immediately followed by the satellite School of Heavy Hadrons and QCD on February 22-23 at the same hotel.

Tentative agenda

    Alexei Smirnov, Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Neutrino physics
    Georg Weiglein, DESY, Higgs physics (theory)
    Mauro Donega, Institute for Particle Physics – ETHZ, Higgs Physics at LHC
    Marek Karliner, Tel Aviv University, Exotic Hadrons (theory)
    Tomasz Skwarnicki, Syracuse University, Exotic hadrons with charm quarks (experiment)
    Dmitry Kazakov, JINR/ITEP, Supersymmetry is still alive (theory)
    Lesya Shchutska, University of Florida, Searches for Supersymmetry at LHC
    Roman Mizuk, ITEP/MEPhI, Exotic hadrons with beauty quarks (experiment)
    Pavel Pakhlov, ITEP/MEPhI, Flavour Physics
    Mikhail Voloshin, University of Minnesota/ITEP, On vacuum stability in Standard Model

Organizing committee

Head of the School: Mikhail Danilov
School Director: Yury Kiselev
I.Alekseev, D.Besson, S.Blinnikov, A.Bylinkin, I.Chernysheva, M.Danilov,
S.Glazyrin, S.Godunov, E.Ilyina, D.Kazakov, Yu.Kiselev, S.Koldashov,
V.Novikov, L.Okun, P.Pakhlov, D.Svirida, E.Tikhonova, T.Uglov,
M.Vysotsky, E. Zhemchugov.

All correspondence and requests for further information concerning the School should be sent to the secretary of the Organizing Committee (itep.ws@gmail.com).

The School is organized by ITEP, National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, and Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow City Government.

Additional information could be found on school site: http://ws.itep.ru/.