Главные вкладки
В.К. Федотов
1. Fedotov V.K., Ponyatovsky E.G.
«Study of the solid-state amorphization of (GaSb)1-xGex semiconductors by real-time neutron diffraction and electron microscopy» Crystallography Reports, 56 (2011) 1155
2. Efimchenko V.S., Kuzovnikov M.A., Fedotov V.K., Sakharov M.K., Simonov S.V., Tkach M. «New phase in the water-hydrogen system» J. Alloys and Compounds, 509S (2011) S860
3. Antonov V.E., Davydov A.I., Fedotov V.K., Ivanov A.S., Kolesnikov A.I., Kuzovnikov M.A. “Neutron spectroscopy of H impurities in PdD: Covibrations of the H and D atoms”, Phys. Rev. B 80 (2009) 134302-1–134302-7
4. Klinkova L.A, Nikolaichik V.I., Barkovskii N.V., Fedotov V.K.
«Phase relation in a barium-rich high-temperature region (25-45 mol% CuO, 900-1100 ºC) of the BaO-CuOx system» Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 184 (2011) 1834
5. Klinkova L.A., Nikolaichik V.I., Barkovskii N.V., Fedotov V.K.
«On the existence of a homologous series of BamCum+nOy oxides with the cubic structure of the BaCuO2 oxide» Physica C, 470 (2010) 2067
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