Главные вкладки
А. В. Панов
Andrey V. Panov. Optical Kerr nonlinearity of dielectric nanohole array metasurface in proximity to anapole state. — Optics Letters 47 (11), 2866-2869 (2022)
Andrey V. Panov. Optical Kerr nonlinearity of arrays of all-dielectric high-index nanodisks in the vicinity of the anapole state. — Optics Letters 45 (11), 3071-3074 (2020)
Andrey V Panov. Giant enhancement and sign inversion of optical Kerr nonlinearity in random high index nanocomposites near Mie resonances. — Annalen der Physik 532 (6), 1900574 (2020)
Andrey V Panov. Possibility of negative refraction for visible light in disordered all-dielectric resonant high index metasurfaces. — Optik 206, 163739 (2020)
Andrey V Panov. Optical Kerr nonlinearity of disordered all-dielectric resonant high index metasurfaces with negative refraction. — JETP Letters, 1-6 (2020)