Главные вкладки
А.В. Летаров
1. Knirel Y.A., Prokhorov N.S., Shashkov A.S., Ovchinnikova O.G., Zdorovenko E.L., Liu B., Kostryukova E.S., Larin A.K., Golomidova A.K., Letarov A.V. (2015) Variations in the O-antigen biosynthesis and O-acetylation associated with the altered phage sensitivity in Escherichia coli 4s. J Bacteriol. 197:905-912
2. Kulikov E.E., Golomidova A.K., Letarova M.A., Kostryukova E.S., Zelenin A.S., Prokhorov N.S., Letarov A.V. (2014) Genomic sequencing and biological characteristics of a novel Escherichia coli bacteriophage 9g, a putative representative of a new Siphoviridae genus. Viruses. 6(12):5077-5092. doi: 10.3390/v6125077.
3. Dąbrowska K., Miernikiewicz P., Piotrowicz A., Hodyra K., Owczarek B., Lecion D., Kaźmierczak Z., Letarov A., Górski A. Immunogenicity studies of proteins forming the T4 phage head surface. J Virol. 2014 88, 12551-12557
4. Letarov A.V., Krisch H.M. The episodic evolution of fibritin: traces of ancient global environmental alterations may remain in the genomes of T4-like phages. Ecol Evol. 2013 3(10):3628-3635. doi: 10.1002/ece3.730. -IF 1.184; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24223296
5. Miernikiewicz P., Dąbrowska K., Piotrowicz A., Owczarek B., Wojas-Turek J.,Kicielińska J., Rossowska J., Pajtasz-Piasecka E., Hodyra K., Macegoniuk K., Rzewucka K., Kopciuch A., Majka T., Letarov A., Kulikov E., Maciejewski H., Górski A. T4 phage and its head surface proteins do not stimulate inflammatory mediator production. PLoS One. 2013 8(8):e71036. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071036. - IF 3.730; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23976975
6. Miernikiewicz, P., Owczarek, B., Piotrowicz, A., Boczkowska, B., Rzewucka,. K., Figura, G., Letarov, A., Kulikov, E., Kopciuch., A., Świtała-Jeleń, K., Oślizło, A., Hodyra, Gubernator, K.J. and Dąbrowska, K. (2012) Recombinant expression and purification of T4 phage gpHoc, gpSoc, gp23, gp24 proteins in native conformations with stability studies. PLoS One, 7, e38902 - IF 3.730; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22808021
7. Kulikov E., Kropinski A.M., Golomidova A., Lingohr E., Govorun V., Serebryakova M., Prokhorov N., Letarova M., Manykin A., Strotskaya A. and Letarov A. Isolation and characterization of a novel indigenous intestinal N4-related coliphage vB_EcoP_G7C. (2012)Virology 426, 93-99. - IF 3.367; http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0042682212000748
8. Letarova, M., Strelkova, D., Nevolina, S., Letarov, A. (2012) A test for the "physiological phagemia" hypothesis-natural intestinal coliphages do not penetrate to the blood in horses. Folia Microbiol (Praha) 57, 81-83 - IF 0,984; http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12223-011-0096-z
9. Исаева А.С., Летаров А. В., Ильина Е.Н, Муравьёва В.В.,Анкирская А.С. (2012) Видовая идентификация влагалищных лактобацилл,выделенных у женщин репродуктивного возраста. Акушерство и Гинекология, No.3, 60-64 [Isaeva A.S. Letarov A.V., Ilina E.N., Muravijjova V.V., Ankirskaya A.S. (2012) Species identification of vaginal lactobacilli isolated from reproductive age women. Akusherstvo I Ginekologiya, N3, 60-64]
10. Letarov. A. Bacteriophages as a part of the human microbiome. in Bacteriophages in Health and Disease (Hyman and Abedon eds). CAB International Press 2012, 6-20
Молекулярная микробиология, биология вирусов прокариот (бактериофагов и вирусов архей)