Главные вкладки
А.Б. Докторов
1. A-der. A. Kipriyanov, A. R. Melnikov, D. V. Stass, and A. B. Doktorov,
Comparison of exciplex generation under optical and X-ray excitation. The Journal of Chemical Physics 147 (2017) 094102-12; DOI: 10.1063/1.500101
2. Alexey A. Kipriyanov, Alexander A. Kipriyanov, and Alexander B. Doktorov,
Binary non-Markovian theory of bulk associative–dissociative reaction A+ A↔ C. I. Many-particle aspects of the theory. J. Math. Chem. 56 (8) (2018) 2418–2453.DOI: 10.1007/s10910-018-0898-1
3. Alexander B. Doktorov,
Bimolecular multistage diffusion-influenced chemical reactions proceeding from different sites in solutions. I. Rate constants. The Journal of Chemical Physics 149 (2018) 094102-10; DOI: 10.1063/1.5040015
4. A. B. Doktorov,
«Encounter Theory of Chemical Reactions in Solution Approximate Methods of Calculating Rate Constants», in “Chemical Kinetics: Beyond the Textbook”, edited by K. Lindenberg, R. Metzler and G. Oshanin, World Scientific, chapter 2, pp. 35-64 (2019) p.476; DOI: 10.1142/q0209, ISBN: 978-1-78634-700-8 (hardcover)
5. K. L. Ivanov, N. N. Lukzen, A. B. Doktorov, «Non-Markovian kinetics of reactions in solutions», in “Chemical Kinetics: Beyond the Textbook”, edited by K. Lindenberg, R. Metzler and G. Oshanin, World Scientific, chapter 3, pp. 65-96 (2019); p.476; DOI: 10.1142/q0209, ISBN: 978-1-78634-700-8 (hardcover)
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