Главные вкладки
В.В. Кузнецов
1. Kreslavski V.D., Fomina I.R., Los D.A., Carpentier R., Kuznetsov Vl.V., Allakhverdiev S.I. (2012) Red and near infra-red signaling: Hypothesis and perspectives. J. Photochem. Photobiol. C: Photochem. Reviews 13: 190-203. (ИФ =10.36).
2.Kholodova VP, Volkov KS, Kuznetsov Vl.V. Water status in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum under heavy metal stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany. V. 71. 2011. З. 382 – 389.
3. Кузнецов Вл.В., Дмитриева ГА. Учебник «Физиология растений». Изд-во «Абрис» - «Высшая школа» с грифом Минвуза, 2011. 784 С. (48,02 усл. печ. листа)
4. V.P. Kholodova, E.M. Ivanova, Vl.V. Kuznetsov Sherameti and A. Varma (eds.). Initial Steps of Cupper Detoxification: Outside and Inside of Plant Cell. Detoxification of Heavy Metals, Soil Biology 30, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-21408-0_8, @ Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011. Р. 143 – 167.
5. Valentina Kholodova, Kirill Volkov, Vladimir Kuznetsov. Plants under Heavy Metal Stress in Saline Environments. Capter 8 in Book “Soil Heavy Metals” (Seria “Soil Biology, V. 19, 2010, 492 p. ISBN 1613-3382). P. 163-183. Eds. by Irena Sherameti and Ajit Varma. Springer Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London New York. ISBN: 978-3-642-02435-1