Главные вкладки
ЕВ Коротков
1. LEPSCAN—a web server for searching latent periodicity in DNA sequences
A Shelenkov, E Korotkov
Briefings in bioinformatics 13 (2), 143-149? 2012
2.Detection change points of triplet periodicity of gene
YM Suvorova, VM Rudenko, EV Korotkov
Gene 491, 58-64, 2012
3. An approach for searching insertions in bacterial genes leading to the phase shift of triplet periodicity
MA Korotkova, NA Kudryashov, EV Korotkov
Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 9 (4), 158-170, 2011
4. Applying cyclic decomposition method for searching latent periodicity in the financial time series
ЕВ Kоротков, ВМ Руденко
Прикладная Информатика 33 (1), 1-21, 2011
5. Detection of Possible Reading Frame Shifts in Genes
Using Triplet Frequencies Homogeneity
VM Rudenko, YM Suvorova and EV Korotkov
Volume 40 (2011), Number 1 & 2, 137-146
Биоинформатика, математическая статистика, методы анализа смивольных последовательностей