А.И. Александров

Аватар пользователя А.И. Александров
Место работы, город: 
Институт биохимии им. А.Н.Баха РАН, Москва
Должность, звание: 

1.      Alexandrov A.I., Polyanskaya A.B., Serpionov G.V., Ter-Avanesyan M.D., Kushnirov V.V. The effects of amino acid composition of glutamine-rich domains on amyloid formation and fragmentation// PLoS ONE. 2012. Т. 7(10): e46458. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046458

2.      Kochneva-Pervukhova N.V., Alexandrov A.I., Ter-Avanesyan M.D. Amyloid-mediated sequestration of essential proteins contributes to mutant huntingtin toxicity in yeast// PLoS ONE. 2012. Т. 7(1): e29832. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029832

3. Alexandrov A.I., Ter-Avanesyan M.D. Could yeast prion domains originate from polyQ/N tracts?. Prion 2013; 7:209 - 214; PMID: 23764835; http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/pri.24628

4. Agaphonov, M., Alexandrov, A. Self-excising integrative yeast plasmid vectors containing an intronated recombinase gene.// FEMS Yeast Research 2014. doi:10.1111/1567-1364.12197

5. Nizhnikov, A., Alexandrov, A., Ryzhova, T., Mitkevich, O., Dergalev, A., Ter-Avanesyan, M., Galkin, A. Proteomic Screening for Amyloid Proteins.// PloS One 2014, 9(12), e116003. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116003

Область экспертизы: 

генетика дрожжей, амилоиды, прионы